THE 54th BFCC - 20th October 2007

The 54th BFCC has to go down as "The Italian Job". Eight Italian enthusiasts came over for this one.

The BFCC team consisted of (from left to right) Paul Garrick, Timothy Poole, David Pannell, Mark Williams, John Bird, Robert Tucker, Mike Peckham, John Clancy and Keith Wilton.

Guest pianist Costa Fotopoulos provided accompaniment on the grand piano to a selection of four silent films introduced by Richard Landes who can be seen in the image below at the conclusion of the "Picture Show-Man" presentation.

All the way from Wales, Mal Brake (left) with convention organizer Keith Wilton.

Barry Attwood of Independent 8. AKA the Big Friendly Giant. Independent 8's latest dealer lists can be viewed on this site here

Gordon Ogbourne always has a stand at the BFCC. There is no better source for 16mm Bell and Howell spares and odments (amongst plenty of other goodies of course, such as this immaculate Elmo).

Ged Jones of Derann with Ian Fairbairn who can be seen in the 'Armchair Odeons' series available from Filmtek.

Denise and Phil Sheard of Classic Home Cinema finding time for a snack at lunchtime. What a wonderful display they had on the day (as seen below).

Sorry about the unsteady hand. This is Ken Locke during the "After the Fox" presentation.

Antonio Mota from Portugal (left) with Keith Wilton.

Cinematographer David Hilton (centre) has been regularly attending the conventions for years. He is seen here with Ken Locke (left) and John Bird (right)